Four ways to make users love password security
When employees find the standard security measures of their organization frustrating and annoying, the risk of internal threats increases. For example, a recent Gartner report said 69% of employees ignore cybersecurity recommendations within their organization. This doesn’t mean they do it on purpose to spite management. More often, it means they just want to get on with their job without distractions, and see security as a hassle and a waste of time.
Can security be pleasant?
Passwords are a classic example of the clash between cybersecurity and user experience. The average office worker has up to 190 different login and password combinations. Naturally, remembering that many and matching them to the services is impossible.
61% of employees admit to reusing passwords as a way to cope with this. At the same time, most are aware that this is a security risk for the company. So, how can IT departments improve password security in their organizations, when users are already burdened with these digital security measures and have chosen convenience and speed over security?
While many tech giants are promoting passwordless access technologies, unfortunately for most organizations eliminating passwords is not an option. That's why it's super important to choose the best security methods that can provide a pleasant user experience. Below, we'll look at four ways to engage end-users into more responsible password habits in a way they might even enjoy.
Key phrases for strong and memorable password
Hackers use brute force to quickly try many different options in a row to crack a specific account's password. They often combine these methods with dictionaries of known vulnerable passwords, including sequential passwords like "qwerty" or "123456," which users often use. Shorter and less complex passwords are much more vulnerable to this method of attack, so the advice is to create longer and more complex passwords.
Of course, this is a pain for users who now have to remember many long and complex passwords ideally 15 characters and above. One way to simplify this task is to suggest using key phrases instead of traditional passwords.
A key phrase is 3 or more random words strung together, for example, "Pig-Lion-Window-Night." At first glance, this password looks simple and insecure, but it has 19 characters, special characters and capital letters. That’s enough to make brute force attempts take a long time. If a few more special characters or numbers are added, one can confidently say hackers have no chance of success. The main thing is to use words that are not related to the company activities or the personal data of a specific user.
Overall, key phrases are a great way for endpoint users to create longer and more complex passwords without increasing their cognitive load.
Recommendations and feedback
Asking an employee to create a new password makes them feel like all the knowledge has left their head and they will go into a long thought process that can take hours. "What password should I create that is both easy and secure?" the user will think.
It's very important to be in touch with colleagues during this difficult moment: to give clear recommendations and answer questions. No one should feel like they are left to their own devices when taking steps that directly affect the security of the whole organization. Ideally, of course, an exhaustive memo with all recommendations and examples should be created so the password creation process is quick and painless. But even such memos often don't cover all the needs and questions of users.
Providing dynamic feedback during password creation is not only a learning opportunity for the user but also an instant check to see if the password meets the security policy. By consulting with an IT specialist, employees can see in real time if their new password complies with the company policy and if not, why, and quickly correct it.
Password expiration based on length
No one likes it when work is stalled because of the need to change a password. Sometimes this comes too soon and even bothers the most diligent employees who take security very seriously. But using passwords with infinite validity period is simply not acceptable in today's reality, as such passwords open many doors for clever hackers. That's why the regular changing of passwords is so widely used by many organizations.
But why not turn the potentially negative user experience of forced password change into an opportunity?
Password expiration based on its length gives end-users a choice. They can create a simple and easy password that only partially meets the organization's requirements, but they will have to change it again, for example, in 90 days. Or they can extend the length of the password and not touch this issue for as long as possible, for example, the next 180 days.
Instead of all employees facing a forced password reset every 90 days, a flexible validity period based on its length rewards users who create longer and safer passwords. This is the best balance between security and usability.
Continuous monitoring of compromised passwords
The methods discussed above are quite effective in helping end-users create more reliable passwords and provide them with more transparency and understanding of their organization's security policies. But even reliable passwords can be compromised. And it's impossible to be 100% sure that company employees aren't using the same passwords to log in to several services at once. That's why it's necessary to have a way to detect compromised passwords and block potential attack routes.
Many security solutions can periodically check user passwords against leaked lists of compromised credentials, but these solutions are not perfect, as monitoring is not real-time. The optimal solution would be to choose a security solution that continuously scans passwords for leaks and notifies the administrator, or even automatically resets the password to not give hackers a second for potential compromise. The market is full of information security solutions so finding a product with such feature should not be difficult.
Passwords don’t have to be frustrating. As we have seen above, by choosing the right approach between IT and users this problem will disappear on its own.
With Passwork this problem disappears. It helps to organize and store your passwords, making the process more manageable and secure. Key password phrases, feedback during password reset, length-based expiration and continuous scanning for compromised passwords are great solutions that can boost any organization’s security.