How to teach children about password security: Tips for parents
We live in a digital age, and children must learn about internet safety as a first port of call. They are constantly on their phones and tablets, and many of them complete their coursework online. To secure personal information, all of these services require a password, but the passwords are frequently pre-set for youngsters, who do not get to create their own.
Children will never learn how to create secure passwords if such passwords are never changed. This renders them vulnerable to hacking. It is our responsibility as parents to educate our children about internet safety. This includes not only stopping kids from accessing improper information, but also explaining why. The greatest method for children to learn about computer security is to see adults who are skilled in the field. Continue reading to learn how to teach your children about password security fast and effortlessly.
Make unique and fun passwords
Passwords should be easy for your children to remember but tough for others to guess. That may appear to be an oxymoron, but if you make it fun, your child will be more likely to remember their passwords. Here are some easy ideas to get their creative juices flowing:
• Make up your own sentences or words. If they had a favorite stuffed animal as a youngster, try to integrate it, but don't make it the sole word. Use three or more to create complexity.
• Use basic, popular passwords such as ABCDE, 123455, or "password" instead. Hackers can easily breach them and obtain access to your accounts.
• Use passwords that are at least eight characters long
• Use numbers, uppercase letters, and symbols as needed. Also, avoid using them in apparent ways. Avoid substituting letters for vowels, such as an exclamation point (!) for I and an at symbol (@) for a. These are basic replacements that are easy to understand.
• Create unique passwords for each website. If your password is hacked and you use it in several places, hackers will have access to your children's sensitive information in multiple areas.
Passwords should not be shared
This one may be difficult for your children to grasp. They do, after all, know your phone's password! However, it is critical that your children do not share their passwords with anyone other than their parents—including their siblings. The more people who know their password, the more likely it is that people who should not have access to their accounts will.
Explain some of the scenarios that could occur to your children to ensure that they understand why they should not share their passwords. Listed below are a few examples:
• Someone could steal their identity
• Someone could send hurtful messages and jeopardize friendships
• Someone could open accounts on questionable platforms using their identity
• Someone could change their passwords and keep them from accessing their accounts
• If there are bank accounts attached, someone could spend their money
These are just a few examples, but they should be enough to convince your children not to share their passwords. If they do, they must inform you of who they shared it with and why. You can then decide whether or not to change their passwords.
Remember, as a parent, this does not apply to you. As a precaution, you should have all of your children's passwords who are under the age of 18. This will give you peace of mind because you will know you can monitor their online activity for their safety and security. There are many frightening people out there, and not just those looking to steal their passwords.
Avoid using the same password in multiple places
It may be difficult to keep track of so many different passwords, but it is critical that you and your child develop a unique password for each website, platform, or program. This will assist to safeguard their data:
• If there is a data breach in one place, they simply need to be concerned about that one location
• If you use the same password, they may have access to far more information, which might be harmful
Your child may not be able to use a password manager at school, but there are security services that can assist you in storing passwords across various platforms. They can also generate secure passwords that are difficult to decipher. These are useful tools, but you should not rely only on them for all of your passwords in case you are locked out.
What does a strong password look like?
You may be asking what makes a password strong now that you know what to do and what to avoid while teaching your children password safety. There are several approaches to constructing a secure password, and you must ensure that passwords are simple for your youngster to remember.
One method is to speak to their interests or their sense of humor.
• Use their passions as a source of inspiration. If they enjoy magic, you may perform something like AbramagiCkadabrA#7. This is an excellent password since it includes random capitalization, a number, and a distinctive character.
• Use something amusing for them. For example, because little children are typically delighted by potty humor, you may establish their username @uniFARTcorn3. Again, you've covered all of the possible factors for password requirements, and your kids will have a good time inputting it.
• Make use of meals and pastimes. You might, for example, create their password Apple3picking! EAO. They enjoy apple harvesting, their favorite number, a special character, and strange apple orchard letters or abbreviations.
You want to make your password difficult to guess but easy to remember, so choosing items that will activate your memory or make you smile when your child enters it will increase the likelihood that they will remember it.
It is not suggested to keep a digital file of passwords on your computer, but if necessary, you may write them down for your children until they learn them. Just be careful not to lose track of where you wrote them!