

A collection of 5 issues
Latest — Oct 11, 2021

If you’re reading about password managers for the first time, you’re probably wondering why such a tool exists. Well, to help you out, we’ve compiled a ‘top three’ for password-related company pains. Moreover, we’ll illustrate how a password manager, like Passwork, can help you and your business to work smart; minimizing stress, maximizing safety.

Digitalisation and Human Error

First and foremost, COVID-19 forced the entire world into rapid digitalization. Whilst this digitalization has had a number of positive effects, it has also had the unfortunate impact of significantly increasing the number of attack vectors that bad actors can aim for. Imagine an entire wave of old-school office managers in their fifties buying laptops and working from home for the first time. Of course, it’s no surprise that cyberattacks are on the rise; in 2020 alone, 75% of organizations across the world experienced some kind of phishing attack.

Human error, in this sense, needn't be accepted when you’ve got a password manager on hand. When you access a website that requires a password stored by your password manager, it is presented automatically by the software. However, this only occurs when the webpage is authentic. Phishing attacks rely on false web pages that mimic the real thing, and whilst this may trick a user, a password manager can tell fact from fiction, every time. When the user doesn’t see his password pop up on the screen, he knows that he’s not in the right place. But what if the user decides to put in the password manually? Well, password managers are on the case; oftentimes, complex and unmemorable passwords are generated, and users are forced to rely on auto-input. Human error? Eliminated.

Here you can download posters about passwords, identity, malware and more. CyberPilot invites you to print them out and hang them up in the office to remind employees of the importance of good digital habits.

Security audit preparation

The benefits of password managers don’t end there; they also significantly boost your chances of passing a security audit. This is mainly down to two factors. Firstly, software including and similar to Passwork will alert you if your passwords are old, weak or compromised, which in turn encourages you to change them. In doing so, you’re bumping up your level of security, and you’re getting well prepared for that upcoming audit. Secondly, and more importantly, password managers minimize human involvement wherever possible, and as has already been established, this is key to secure operations. For example, if an employee leaves your company, Passwork will alert you to the fact that the passwords accessible to the employee have been compromised and must be updated as soon as possible to prevent any security breaches. The increased automation of this process reduces manual, human involvement that may otherwise interfere with or obstruct the updating of passwords. This improves password hygiene, which in turn improves security audit results.

Annual leave and unexpected absences

On a similar note, temporary staff absences, rather than permanent personnel changes, can also cause problems for companies without password management software. If an employee is absent, be it due to illness or holiday leave, then they take their passwords with them. This leaves everything that is protected by those passwords relatively inaccessible to the rest of the company, considerably disrupting day-to-day operations. Let’s say you’ve gone away for a relaxing beach holiday in Bali. It’s unlikely that you’ll be on your phone responding to Sharon from accounting, who needs the password to your email account, right? Well, Sharon can’t access an important PDF that was sent by a client last week, so she has to ask them to send it again. It’s inefficient, unprofessional, and will cost your company time and money.

However, this is an issue that password managers can solve; with solutions such as Passwork, there is no need for employees to commit passwords to memory, or write them down in places known only to them, because they are stored by Passwork, either on your local server or in the cloud. This means that they can be accessed by anybody with the appropriate security clearance. Business can run smoothly, regardless of staff absences, and you can get back to reading Sapiens with your mojito.

Tools such as Passwork are simply a necessity in the modern world. A company’s security is significantly weaker without them, and the brain, albeit a remarkable tool, is one that is notoriously prone to mistakes. If you want your organisation to reach its full potential, your operations must be as streamlined and efficient as possible, and you can only achieve this by using the most up-to-date password management software. Moreover, solutions such as Passwork come in a variety of sizes. If you’re reading this, wondering whether your business is even big enough for such infrastructure, think again; you’ll find a solution here perfectly tailored for the size and weight of your company.

Why do I need a password manager?

Aug 30, 2021 — 3 min read

Positioning is an important aspect

Positioning is so important that, if this stage is skipped, all other efforts of promotion of the product could be ruined. Good positioning should be short, clear, and understandable. Therefore, it is often described in one sentence or is made to fit in a tweet. Positioning should be directly related to the main problem that the product will solve for the users.

The difficulty is that many a-times, the product generally solves various problems for different users. For example, an online accounting system providing the same capabilities solves different problems for the entrepreneur and accountant. As to the question «Who are you?», different answers may be given, depending on who is posing the question. Positioning is closely related to the target audience segmentation. Often, I have heard startups saying that their product is made for all users of the Internet, or something like that, which is definitely an outlandish type of segmentation.

Begin to break your users into segments. Try implementing any different characteristics like gender, age, income level, interests, etc. The task to break all users into segments is performed in such a way that all were uniform within a single segment. That is, from the perspective of the product, all users of one segment are like twins and are indistinguishable to a significant extent.

Take one segment user and tell him about the product. Then afterward, take any other user of the same segment, and their stories about the product should be similar. Begin to divide users from the largest to smallest. Specify what problem your product solves for each segment. If more than one problem is obtained from a single segment, the segment shall be divided into further sub-segments.

As a result, you should get:

1. The segment and its characteristics (feature set)
2. The problem is solved by the users of that segment
3. Positioning for this segment. In this case, the product can be position in a single sentence.

From this scheme, you automatically get ready-made advertising campaigns for Yandex, VKontakte, Google, Twitter. And you can understand where to look for leads and what attraction channels to use based on segment performance. By looking at the segments tree, you can go in the opposite direction, summarize a number of problems, and get the main product positioning. And a detailed list will be a good start for the development of the Landing page.

Take, for example, the development of websites, the likes of ‘heavily worked-on websites, will soon be performed using innate abilities.

For whom?

1. For all the sites which may need this? — Well, yes.
2. For business? — Yeah right!
3. For business owners that have heard something about the Internet, interested in finding customers? — Getting Warmer
4. Does this business have a site?
5. Is this a recently established business?
6. Volumes (for example, how many employees)
7. Lines of business

Eventually, we obtain a segment such as the following:

1. Recently established company (6-12 months old)
2. with a small staff (10-20 people).
3. Recently launched, no site at the moment hasn’t met targets as yet, and the like,
4. are not willing to devote a lot of money on the development of the site
5. On the question of whether or not a site is needed, the most likely answer is, «Well, of course, it is needed»
6. Does not plan to actively attract customers via the Internet.

The situation is one of those «websites needed, well so that we owned one.» The problem is that this is not represented on the Internet Positioning: «We are setting up a website for business start-ups on the Internet for 1 week and for so many rubles.» This is not ideal, but the point is clear. Offering affordable, or perhaps typical or conventional solutions, Landing pages, with minimal customization, cheap but good and fast. It is worth noting that in the site-building world, young companies just need to be positioned and well-niched. Sites solve many problems and are needed for numerous problems to be solved, so cramming the site under a one-size-fits-all does not work.

So, in summary:

1. Divide your customers into segments as per the problems that your product solves. The better the homogeneity of the segment, the better the result (but without fanaticism)

2. Check № 1 — segment should easily explain what you have to offer. Without any "and"s and "or"s.

3. Checking № 2 — product positioning for the segment, tagline, the main message, are all to be contained within the tweet.

4. Segmentation and positioning are closely linked. One may be used to create the others, and vice versa.

5. Segmentation and positioning give insight into what customers to look for, how to look, where to look for them, and what particular offer to give them. You can write a statement for Sales.

6. Structuring allows you to identify the main problems to be solved by the product, and a host of other artifacts that can be used, for example, for setting up a Landing page.

Market segmentation

Aug 30, 2021 — 3 min read

After initializing their first releases or MVP (first minimal product-release), startups are faced with the challenge of promoting and marketing on the Internet. If they do this through Yandex or Google AdWords, a single click designed to attract customers can cost $1 or more, and the cost of publishing a single article onto a popular media site can be more than $ 1,000 per campaign. New startups, even when heavily propped-up investment-wise, and enjoying huge financial backing, cannot afford to walk on such a grand and costly scale.

Or they can, but here is a well-established fact: all funds are consolidated only after a couple of months; whether there were any sales or not, and they ran out of money for further product development.

Very often, startup beginners say: "We do not know how much we need for marketing. How do we evaluate this?", or: "We need ten million on marketing, hmm, no, let's make it twenty ...".

Then, they quickly start buying ads and spending money in vain, and slowly begin to realize that marketing is one hell of a very expensive endeavor. You may have a great product, everyone may like it, everyone may be dying to use it, but then, it is necessary to spend a lot of money on advertising. Well, afterwards, they start looking for an investment specifically for marketing.

So, rounding up: marketing and promotion of IT-startups on the Internet proves to be expensive, unclear and unpredictable.


In fact, the promotion of start-ups is actually understandable and predictable. Whether it will be costly or not depends on each particular situation.

It is really quite possible to promote IT-startups using only little or no financial investment at all. In this case, impressive and surprising results can be achieved.

In the open world, these techniques are called growth hacking

And, just a small faq on explosive promotions:

1. Wow, is it really possible for any project to be able to directly unleash a host of ads without money, and without doing anything at all?
− No, not any project. A lot of work still has to be done. But for many projects, not a lot of money is spent.

2. So, if not ANY project, then which ones?
− First of all, IT-startups or projects that are well-integrated on the internet. But in general, the general principles apply everywhere.

3. So, purchasing advertising space will be a thing of the past?
− Yes and no. Advertising will always be a great help if you can afford it, and sometimes, may be the only option.

4. Do I still have to learn about marketing or hire a marketer?
- You needs to know the fundamentals. Growth hacking and marketing are related, but not deeply. This a kind of side-approach, where your brains, simple logic, entrepreneurial skills; all really matter. Certainly not misgivings.

How growth hacking works

The basic idea of the explosive product is very simple and logical. If your product is good, its users will talk about it themselves. They only need help to do that. Practically almost all the techniques can be reduced to one single aim: to increase virality without any cash expenditures.

The obvious pre-condition is that your product really needs to solve user problems, should be necessary, useful and convenient. You must have a high-quality product.
I am sure that all startups find their desired product, but this is not always the case.

Explosive advertising works well for IT-startups, because users can easily talk about it and attract other users, the internet is there to help. In addition, explosive advertising is a pack of little tricks that helps you get close to your audience; motivate, talk about the product, test ideas, increase conversion, and so on.

In summary,

1. "Standard way" - more money into advertising, greater audience reach, more new users.

2. Explosive advertising - users themselves are involved together with their friends. Avalanche exponential growth. Quality product needed.

3. Divide all your customers into particular segments according to the problems that your product solves. The more homogeneous the segment, the better (but without fanaticism)

4. Check №1 - It is very easy to explain what you have to offer if this is done segment by segment. Without any "and" and "or".

5. Checking №2 - Product positioning for the segment, tagline, the main message should all be contained within the tweet.

6. Segmentation and positioning are closely linked. One can lead to the other, and vice versa.

7. Segmentation and Positioning give insight into what customers are looking for, how to look, where to look for that particular offer. You can write a statement for sales.

8. Structuring allows you to identify the main problems to be solved by the product, and a host of other artifacts that can be used, for example, to create a Landing.

What is Growth Hacking

Jul 30, 2021 — 7 min read

1. PureVPN

PureVPN, which is one of the best VPN apps for Android devices, operates a self-managed VPN network that currently stands at 750+ Servers in 141 Countries & promises the fastest speed possible. Since we own our network, there are no third-parties involved and NO logs of your activities.

2. SSTP VPN Service

SSTP VPN Service provides secure data encryption via SSL channels. It also comes equipped with data integrity verification for fluid data transmission without packet losses. What is SSTP VPN Protocol? Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP) is a VPN tunneling protocol that ensures the safe transfer of your online traffic by employing high-grade data encryption. Our SSTP VPN service makes sure that the data you send or receive is completely secure and safe from prying eyes, making us the most secure VPN service.

3. Detectify

Detectify is a web security service that simulates automated hacker attacks on your website, detecting critical security issues before real hackers do. We provide you with descriptive reports of the results so that you can continue to build safe products.

4. StopTheHacker

Everything you need to protect your website and online reputation StopTheHacker’s comprehensive suite of website healthcare services that safeguard your website, helping you prevent, detect and recover from a hacker attack. We catch more malware than anyone else, using Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques.

5. SiteLock

SiteLock is the global leader in website security solutions. We are the only provider to offer complete, cloud-based website protection that finds and automatically fixes threats, prevents future attacks, accelerates website speed, and meets PCI compliance standards — all with 24/7 U.S. based phone support. See below for the complete list of the SiteLock family of products and services.

6. Pentest Tools is a collection of ethical hacking tools which enables you to test the security of websites and network infrastructures from a remote location. You need to verify the behavior of a service from a different IP address. Your (company) firewall does not allow you to access some ports on the target system. The target system has blacklisted your IP address. You want to validate your tools findings using a different toolset. You do not have the tools from our website on your local machine.

7. Acunetix

Acunetix is the leading web vulnerability scanner used by serious fortune 500 companies and widely acclaimed to include the most advanced SQL injection and XSS black box scanning technology. It automatically crawls your websites and performs black box AND grey box hacking techniques which finds dangerous vulnerabilities that can compromise your website and data. Acunetix tests for SQL Injection, XSS, XXE, SSRF, Host Header Injection and over 3000 other web vulnerabilities. It has the most advanced scanning techniques generating the least false positives possible. Inbuilt vulnerability management helps you prioritize and manage vulnerability resolution. Acunetix is available on premise and online. Get a free online account featuring one year of free network security scans or download the scanner itself!

8. Private Communications Corporation

Public WiFi signals in hotels, coffee shops, and airports are not secure. Anyone using the same hotspot can intercept and hack your communications. Your usernames, passwords, and other private information can be stolen out of the thin air. Private WiFi protects your identity and personal information by encrypting your WiFi signal. Everything you do online is protected with bank-level security, so you can surf, share, shop, and bank with confidence.

9. Mailfence

Mailfence protects you against a variety of security and privacy issues: eavesdropping on your Internet communication, government surveillance programs, unauthorized content analysis, email and identity forgery.

10. MsgSafe

Instantly create as many email addresses as you need - each associated with their own group of contacts. All email stored at is encrypted. Protect your entire family or organization by managing all virtual mailboxes and email addresses with the domain you already own. We are dedicated to actively improving privacy protection with innovative technology.

11. Hush Communications Canada Inc

Enhanced email security to keep your data safe. Hushmail is like your current email service – you can read and compose your email on the web, smartphone, and everywhere you work – but we’ve added important security features to help keep your data safe.

12. Sendinc

Sendinc ensures your messages are encrypted to the highest standards. There is no software required for you or your recipients, and you can use your existing email address. Most importantly - because Sendinc does not store encryption keys - only your recipients have the ability to decrypt your messages.

13. Virtru Corporation

Virtru is your data privacy force field, wrapping and protecting emails and files wherever they’re shared. It’s easy-to-use data security software that ensures audit and control

14. Beyond Security

Test for malware, SQL injection, XSS and other vulnerabilities. Nothing to download or install, no interruption of your visitors. No password access is required.

15. SSL Labs

This free online service performs a deep analysis of the configuration of any SSL web server on the public Internet. Please note that the information you submit here is used only to provide you the service. We don't use the domain names or the test results, and we never will.

16. Sucuri Inc

Website Malware Cleanup Got Malware? Not sure how to clean it up? Sucuri specializes in hands-on remediation. We offer professional malware clean up without the hassle. No need for extra burden on your resources, we do it all for you Website Malware Scanning — sucuri scanners use the latest in fingerprinting technology allowing you to determine if your web applications are out of date, exploited with malware, or even blacklisted. Our Scanner also monitors your DNS, SSL certs & WhoIs records. Website Malware Monitoring — be at ease knowing you have Sucuri monitoring your site. We can identify if your site has been hit with the latest malware attack and alert you to take action. Receive alerts anytime anything changes via Email, Twitter, or RSS Website Malware Cleanup — Want the flexibility to schedule site integrity checks? You got it! Schedule scans of your sites to ensure your minimizing your security risks. You can also filter specific items on your site that change often, the power is yours.

17. Quttera

Get malware detection, blacklisting check, site clean-up services, and other essential tools for the safe and trusted website.

18. UpGuard

UpGuard discovers the configuration state of every information asset connected to your infrastructure, with or without an agent. Understand the baseline state of your infrastructure for complete awareness of even the most complex enterprise environments. Whether on-premises or in the cloud, configuration monitoring has never been this easy or scalable.

19. Skybox Security

With Skybox on your team, you have total visibility of your attack surface to contain cyberattacks immediately. Gain the advantage over threats with comprehensive vulnerability intelligence. Zoom in on security control gaps with cutting-edge cybersecurity analytics.

20. Akamai Technologies

In a faster forward world, innovation doesn't wait for technology. Akamai is the global leader in Content Delivery Network (CDN) services, making the Internet fast, reliable and secure for its customers. The company's advanced web performance, mobile performance, cloud security and media delivery solutions are revolutionizing how businesses optimize consumer, enterprise and entertainment experiences for any device, anywhere.

21. Cloudflare

Online threats range from nuisances like comment spam and excessive bot crawling to malicious attacks like SQL injection and denial of service (DOS) attacks. Cloudflare provides protection against all of these types of threats and more to keep your website safe.

22. Trustwave

ModSecurity is a toolkit for real-time web application monitoring, logging, and access control. I like to think about it as an enabler: there are no hard rules telling you what to do; instead, it is up to you to choose your own path through the available features. That's why the title of this section asks what ModSecurity can do, not what it does.

23. Zscaler

Zscaler is an exciting, high-growth technology company. As the most innovative firm in the $35 billion security market, the company is focused on bringing cloud computing to internet security. Just as Salesforce transformed the CRM market, Zscaler is revolutionizing the world of internet security.

24. StackPath

StackPath is the intelligent web services platform for security, speed and scale. It is the first platform to unify enterprise security solutions by leveraging collaborative intelligence that makes each service smarter and more secure with every threat detected, in addition to vastly improving the customer experience. More than 30,000 customers, ranging from Fortune 100 companies to early stage startups already use StackPath technology. Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, StackPath has offices across the U.S. and internationally.

25. FireEye

FireEye understands cyber attacks and the threat actors responsible for them better than anyone else. FireEye learned that technology alone isn’t enough to combat cyber attackers, which is why our solution takes a three-pronged approach that combines innovative security technologies, world-renowned expertise, and deep threat intelligence capabilities. Unlike other solutions, we address the entire security operations lifecycle — every critical issue before, during and after an attack.

26. Integrity360 — CISO as Service

You trust your systems and procedures and the people on your team every day to deliver shareholder value and keep your customers happy. That trust is what gives you peace of mind. At Integrity360 we have earned the trust of over 300 of Europe’s leading companies from telecoms to banking, e-commerce to semi-states, education to healthcare and retail.

27. IPV Security

At the core of our methodology lies the focus on the customer’s business assets — i.e. analyzing the assets that are crucial to the business needs of the corporation and integrating them with a technical model of the IT systems and applications. The outcome is a holistic view of the Information Security Risks in the organization that is focused and prioritized on the immediate actions that need to be done in order to close and mitigate the critical security gaps. The services are offered on a continuous basis or as a one-time audit.

28. EthicalHat

Maintaining an Information Security System can be a lot of work, which is why many businesses employ Chief Information Security Officers to take charge of this responsibility. Unfortunately, hiring a full-time CISO can be very expensive, which may make it a less-than-optimal choice for small or new companies that are already overburdened with the many expenses and worries of maintaining a successful business.

29. FRSecure LLC

FRSecure is a full service information security consulting and management company. If you need anything security related, from assessments to social engineering to security training to policy development etc., give our team of experts a call and find out how to get our experience working for you.

29 best useful services to protect your business

Jul 30, 2021 — 6 min read

A couple of guesses... your mother's maiden name, your date of birth, your pet's name. And Bam! It's stolen.

Password theft has become increasingly common.

While the most infamous one was the 2014 Russian hacker incident when someone stole more than 1.2 billion passwords, it’s not the only one. There are news stories about password hacking almost every day. And yet, several people still choose easily guessable passwords.

Many people opt for easy passwords so they can remember them. But as easy they are for you, they’re even easier for hackers. Safety is important for everyone, especially for large corporations.


Large enterprises generally have policies that request their employees to use strong passwords. However, since it’s easier to remember short passwords, many employees go against the policies and pick weak passwords. A policy isn’t much of a help here.

What does work though, is a corporate password manager. It forces users to select only strong passwords that cannot be broken down easily. With the right technology in place, you can avoid a hacking incident.

While a corporate password manager can choose passwords for you, how do you choose the right password manager for business? Here are some tips for you to get the best software for your enterprise:

TIP #1 — Find the right technology for your enterprise

A corporate password management tool could be SaaS-based or it might work on-premise. Both have their own merits and limitations and you should select the one that suits your company. Traditionally, vendors gave licenses for their software and it was implemented “on-premise.” However, SaaS is software that’s owned and managed remotely by its providers.

With SaaS, you only pay for what you need. It’s a better option for small industries. With on-premise solutions, you need to pay for the hardware but the license is completely owned by you, which makes it a better choice for large enterprises.

If you get a SaaS corporate password manager, you’ll need to pay small regular fees while the on-premise password manager will require a one-time payment of a larger sum. While SaaS cloud password manager is much cheaper than a self-hosted password manager, the latter gives more flexibility and reliability. Make sure you select a corporate password manager vendor that offers SaaS as well as on-premise solutions so you can compare them both and make the right choice.

TIP #2 — Is the vendor credible?

Check the credibility of the vendor providing the corporate password management tool. Find out where they store their data and if they own their servers or use third-party servers. If they have a rented data center and others have access to it, this makes your information more vulnerable than you’d want it to be.

The geolocation of the vendor is also important. Since different countries have different laws, it’s best to select a vendor that’s in a country where laws are not too intrusive. For example, Passwork is a password manager for a business that has its servers in Finland. Finland believes in online freedom and it’s the first country to make broadband access a legal right.

Whichever password manager you choose, just make sure it’s not located in the Five Eyes – US, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. These countries have restrictive laws that allow lawmakers to issue warrants to get people’s details from privacy companies such as password managers and VPNs.

TIP #3 — Find possible vulnerabilities

Check for any possible vulnerabilities in the software. To see if the cloud vault manager leaks your passwords to third parties, try this hack:

Sign in to the password manager. Click F12 to open the browser console. Open the network tab and see if there are any external requests. There can be different types of requests such as loading of external analytic JavaScripts etc. A good corporate password manager will disable JavaScript and AJAX requests from third-party sites to ensure there are no XSS attacks.

When third parties are allowed to call into the system, they can make the system vulnerable. Whether you prefer a SaaS password manager or an on-premise password manager, it should hold all sensitive information in such a way that external applications cannot access them.

TIP #4 — See if the passwords are encrypted

The password manager should hold all passwords in an encrypted form. To check this, open the network tab of the browser (F12 for browser console ->Select network tab). Now open any website where you need to sign in. Save the password in the password manager. See if the password appears in plain text or encrypted form.

If the password is plain text, it’s extremely easy to hack. This makes your system vulnerable to hacking attempts. As a corporate manager, it’s important to keep your business passwords safe.

Different password managers have different encryption standards. The highest cipher is AES-256 with an RSA handshake. This is military-grade encryption and is virtually unhackable. If your corporate password manager provides this level of encryption and owns its own servers, you don’t have to worry about the security of your information.

TIP #5 — Check if the vendor has transparent policies

Check the website of the provider and see if they have provided comprehensive whitepapers of the algorithms and cryptography they use. All good companies provide open source and auditable code for their on-premise solutions. This is to keep their processes transparent.

There is generally a master password that is used to encrypt all sensitive information. A good password manager will encrypt this master password as well and keep it in the browser instead of their servers. This way, even the vendor will have absolutely no knowledge of your master password and all your data will be safe and known only to you. This is called zero-knowledge encryption.

A good password manager such as Passwork keeps all passwords in a vault that are encrypted using a 256-bit cipher.

It’s a good idea to prefer open-source software as all its algorithms will be public. This will allow users to see the kind of algorithm and cryptography the vendor provides.

TIP #6 — Check the auditability of the software

When you get an on-premise password manager, you should be able to audit the code. In fact, if it’s an open-source code, you should be able to make changes in the code as well. However, this might make the software unstable. If you plan to make changes, discuss it with your vendor and ask them if they can provide a fresh copy in case the code becomes unstable.

With the help of auditing, you can measure the effectiveness of the corporate password manager. A software vendor that lets you view the internal code shows that they have complete transparency and have nothing to hide.

In addition to this, the password manager should conduct regular audits to see which passwords have become old and which services share the same password. These passwords need to be updated. An advanced password manager will ask you to replace old passwords with new ones.

TIP #7 — Test the SSL quality

Advanced corporate password management tools use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). The SSL transfers data securely between the client and the server. Passwork uses SSL along with AES-256 bit encryption and RSA handshake to ensure your data is encrypted according to the highest standards.

There are several online tools to check if there are any potential issues with the SSL quality of the password manager. With tools such as SSL Labs and SSL Checker, you can find out if the SSL certificates of the password manager are valid.

TIP #8 — Get a FLEXIBLE solution

A good corporate password manager will work on all major platforms. While some password managers only work on web-based browsers, an advanced password management tool will keep your accounts secure, no matter where you log in from. Passwork has a web version that you can use on a PC or a Mac. It also has mobile versions for iOS and Android.

And it has browser plugins for Chrome and Firefox as well. So no matter where you are or how you access your accounts, your passwords are always safe.

If you use the same service on your laptop and mobile device, the password manager should be able to sync the passwords across various devices. For example, if you save the password for Facebook on your Chrome browser and later use your phone to open the Facebook app, it should automatically sync the passwords.

The Bottom Line

There are several corporate password managers out there. But make sure you choose the best one. If you find a password manager that satisfies all the criteria given above and is easily affordable, choose it to save your passwords.

However, make sure you don’t select a weak manager just to save a couple of bucks. Your enterprise passwords are extremely important so don’t compromise on quality. Hacking incidents have become rampant and you can save a lot of precious data just by spending a few dollars.

There’s a saying in the online world – if you get a product for free, you’re the product. Make the right choice and get the right software tool that keeps your company’s details safe. It doesn’t just make things easier for your employees but also keeps your precious details secure from prying eyes.

8 things you should consider before selecting a corporate password manager