

A collection of 85 articles
Latest — Aug 30, 2022

Nearly 20 years ago, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) established guidelines for secure passwords. Indeed, they are still used by many websites, portals, and other services. You’re likely familiar with these password requirements — there ought to be at least 8 characters, both capital and lowercase letters, digits, and special characters. Despite these guidelines, passwords that meet these requirements are no longer safe from modern attackers. The only thing any of us can do to improve the security of our accounts is to make sure that our passwords are lengthy, complicated, and unique for each account. Due to the strict password management requirements, this strategy is, nevertheless, laborious and intimidating for many.

The Same Password Rules Do Not Apply Today

In the modern day, password-based security is no longer seen as sufficient. Our digital world is continuously expanding, thus it is more important than ever to make sure that our data is safeguarded from cybercriminals. Cybercriminals perceive an opportunity to target people in a more sophisticated way as a result of the increasing usage of internet services. One explanation is that, although we benefit from technological improvement for our personal, social, or economic growth, cybercriminals have also benefited from the advantages of improved computer graphics cards and machine learning to enhance their attack strategies. In addition to the problem of more sophisticated cyberattacks, there are two interrelated problems with conventional password rules:

The first concern lies in our human nature — keeping track of passwords is tough

You may take a few steps as an individual to increase the security of your passwords. Start by lengthening and making your passwords more complicated. Second, create a unique password for each website you visit. The difficulty of remembering a password increases with its complexity. As a result, we frequently select passwords that are not entirely suitable yet are simple to remember. The difficulty of managing several complicated passwords for every online account leads to the frequent reuse of the same passwords across multiple platforms. As a result, a successful attacker immediately wins big.

However, the high level of password complexity necessary to maintain online safety should not be blamed; rather, it should be pointed out that we can’t improve our inadequate password management skills. Using a password manager to generate and store secure passwords is a useful solution. It is not humanly possible to manage strong passwords for all of our internet accounts without assistance, such as password managers. Because they can't recall the complicated, random sequences of letters, numbers, and special characters, the problem increases the likelihood that individuals will write down their passwords. Passwords are left exposed in digital files stored on a computer or in desk-top notes, making it simple for hackers to hack and read passwords.

The second problem is that passwords have a mathematical limit

There are only ever a finite amount of potential password combinations since a password is a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols. As a result, the best technique for breaking passwords is brute force attacks. Until the correct combination is identified and the password is broken, brute force attacks attempt all possible combinations of letters, numbers, and symbols. Theoretically, a stronger password would be one that is harder to guess due to its length, complexity, and number of possible permutations. However, attackers are now substantially more frequently exploiting Graphic Processing Units (GPUs) to break passwords. GPUs are a component of a computer's graphics card and were first designed to speed up the loading of images and movies. They now show promise for computing hashes (the method used in brute force attacks).

According to studies on password cracking times, passwords may be cracked much more quickly using sophisticated computer graphics cards. Using the most recent computer graphic cards, an 8-character password that used to take 8 hours to crack in 2018 now only takes 39 minutes (see the conclusive 2022 results in the table below). Passwords are gradually getting simpler to crack as a result of recent technical developments, which is a concerning trend. More crucial, however, is the fact that if a password has already been stolen, repeated across sites, or contains basic phrases, attackers may access your accounts right away, regardless of the complexity of the password or the attacker's graphics card.

Consider a 4-character password made up of all 26 letters in the Latin alphabet (case-insensitive) in order to visualise this mathematical example.

26^4 = 456,976 possible password combinations

The number of viable choices rises to when you include digits, uppercase and lowercase letters, and special characters.

95^4 = 81,450,625 possible password combinations

However, because the password must contain at least one special character, one number, one capital letter, and one lowercase letter, the quantity drops to

5,353,920 possible password combinations.

Nevertheless, assuming there are no password-entry security measures, this can be cracked in less than a second by a computer (such as automatic account blocking).

Increase the length and complexity of passwords

Longer or more complicated password phrases are strongly advised when creating new passwords. In this manner, potential attackers will have a harder time breaking the codes. It's crucial to take into account the popularity of the selected password combination in addition to the amount of alternative password combinations. For instance, lists of frequently used passwords or phrases, such as "qwerty," "password," or "12345," are frequently used in brute force assaults.

Therefore, the password should be completely unique or not contain any words at all. For instance, one technique would be to employ acronyms or mnemonics, such as generating a password out of the first few characters of a long text. As an illustration, consider making the password ‘Ilts@7S!’ out of the words I love to ski at Seven Springs.

Password length and complexity alone are insufficient

We are aware that adding length and complexity to passwords is the only method to increase their strength and, consequently, the safety of our accounts. The time it typically takes an attacker to break a password in 2022 using a powerful commercial computer is displayed below. This chart, which has been analysed and periodically updated since 2018, shows how quickly passwords can be broken on current machines. This pattern indicates that, despite our best efforts to create passwords that are longer and more complicated, passwords alone are no longer sufficient to meet the required internet security standards.

In conclusion, password rules increase the complexity of passwords without necessarily enhancing their security. The answer to that is to use no passwords at all. However, we’ll discuss that in part 2 of this article.

Why your passwords are no longer secure (Part 1)

Aug 23, 2022 — 4 min read

These days, locking your door and protecting your WiFi network are almost the same in terms of their importance. Without any protection, hackers may access your network and your personal information, such as your bank data, via any of your connected devices, including your video doorbell. Modern WiFi routers utilise security protocols and encryption technologies to mask your sensitive data so that you can protect yourself. In order to select the proper security settings for your WiFi network, you must understand the differences between WEP, WPA, WPA2, and WPA3.

WiFi Encryption: What is it?

Nowadays, the majority of WiFi routers encrypt all the data sent by your connected devices, including your computer, smartphone, or smart home appliances. As a result, nobody else will be able to access any of your personal information without the decryption key since it will convert all of your data into "cipher text."

An encryption protocol can be compared to a combination lock. To unlock your data and decode it into plain text, you need the appropriate combination.

The WiFi Alliance, a nonprofit organisation that holds the Wi-Fi trademark, has certified all WiFi protocols. There have been four distinct encryption systems throughout the years: WEP, WPA, WPA2, and most recently, WPA3.


The WiFi Alliance approved the first wireless security standard, called WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy), in 1999. The WEP standard was initially intended to offer security that was comparable to that of a wired connection, however several security holes were found over time.

WEP really offers "little to no protection, since WEP can be broken using publicly accessible tools," according to the FBI. The WiFi Alliance formally abolished WEP in 2004 as a result of these security concerns. It’s crucial to remember that utilising WEP is still preferable to employing no security mechanisms at all.


The WPA (WiFi Protected Access) standard was introduced in 2003 as a stopgap measure to take the place of the WEP standard. WPA employs Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) to dynamically produce a different key for each data packet delivered, in contrast to WEP, which uses the same key for each authorised system.

The WiFi Alliance deprecated the WPA protocol in 2015 because it "no longer provides the level of security required to safeguard consumer or corporate WiFi networks" due to a range of uncovered security weaknesses.


A streamlined WiFi security protocol called WPA-PSK (Pre-Shared Key) was created for residential networks. Similar to WEP, it employs a static key to make things simpler, but the key automatically changes on a regular basis to stop hackers from breaking into your network.


When we compare WPA with WPA2 (WiFi Protected Access Version 2), we can observe a substantial increase in security. WPA2, which was introduced in 2006, is identical to WPA but replaces TKIP with the more powerful Advanced Encryption System (AES).

The US government uses the same encryption standard, AES, to safeguard secret materials. With WPA-AES, relatively few security holes have been found, and the majority of them may be avoided through the use of a strong password.

Since WPA2 certification became required in 2006, any router produced after that year must support WPA2. When you connect an older device, WPA2 routers will still default to WEP, so be careful to turn off WEP on your router to close these security gaps.


In 2018, the WiFi Alliance certified WPA3, the newest WiFi security technology. WPA3, the most recent network security protocol, enhances the security characteristics of WPA2 by introducing new ones.

For instance, WPA3 verifies authentication via a "handshake" between your network and any of your wireless devices. A gadget only allows someone to guess the WiFi password once if it is offline. This safeguard makes sure that the user must be able to view your router directly.

Even if WPA3-certified items are becoming more widely available, not everyone will have access to them. If your router is outdated, you may need to replace it or wait in the hope that your manufacturer releases an update that enables WPA3 usage.

What WiFi security protocol is the best?

The WiFi Alliance advises using WPA3 as your wireless security protocol if your router is compatible with it. However, if you have older devices connected to your network since WPA3 is still so new, you might need to utilise WPA2.

  • WPA3-Personal: The best security setting for home WiFi networks
  • WPA3-Enterprise: The best security setting for businesses
  • WPA2 (AES): The second-best security setting, available on more routers
  • WPA/WPA2-PSK (TKIP/AES): The best security setting for networks with older devices because it enables you to use both WPA and WPA2, but it is not available on most routers
  • WPA2-PSK (TKIP): Still usable, but it only provides you with minimal security
  • WPA-PSK (AES): An updated version of WPA that replaces TKIP with AES, but you should only use this setting if there are no better options available
  • WPA-PSK (TKIP): No longer considered secure
  • WEP 128: Risky
  • WEP 64: Highly risky, but better than having no security
  • Open network: No security at all

When you get a new WiFi router, the first thing you should do is create a strong, unique password for your WiFi network. The WiFi Alliance recommends that you use a password that is at least 8 characters long and contains letters, numbers, and special characters.

After you create a password, the WiFi Alliance also suggests that you change it at least once a year. You should also change your router’s login credentials, install an antivirus program, and update your router’s firmware.

What is WEP, WPA, WPA2 and WPA3?

Aug 5, 2022 — 5 min read

Every day, people all over the world are spending more and more of their waking hours online. In addition, we're increasingly using our mobile devices for much of our internet activity. The banking industry is unquestionably following suit.

More than seventy percent of Americans conduct some or all of their banking transactions online. Mobile devices now account for more than half of all website traffic, and financial institutions are not far behind.

How safe is mobile banking?

Of course, popular things aren't always safe. Passwords are a prime example. Convenience is a major factor in the migration to the online world and mobile banking. Many people simply accept the new reality without weighing up the pros and cons.

In this article, we'll look at the dangers of mobile banking and what you can do to keep your information safe.

Is mobile banking security at risk?

The most secure method when it comes to banking is, without a doubt, in-person endeavours. But, even if you are paranoid about being hacked, you shouldn't abandon convenience because of it. You've already taken the first step in safeguarding yourself if you're aware of the dangers of online and mobile banking, but don’t be paranoid.

If you're using a web browser on your PC or a mobile banking app on your phone, you face the same basic hazards. However, the vulnerabilities of various devices vary. Moreover, different apps necessitate the possession of a diverse range of hacking capabilities.

People who are increasingly relying on their smartphones rather than PCs may want to consider the following:

When it comes to security, is online banking more reliable than mobile banking?

Indeed, this is a valid question. The more detailed response necessitates additional thought. Traditional PCs are still the primary target of most viruses. Hackers must focus on more precise targets than just a web browser in order to target mobile malware, which is rare.

Now that's wonderful news, right? The bad news is that research conducted by security experts on mobile banking apps has revealed that nearly all of them contain at least one vulnerability. The problem is that these are rarely high-level flaws, however, if you're careful, you can escape a lot of trouble.

Keeping your device safe is an important part of exercising caution. While your desktop computer is likely to stay put, your phone is more likely to follow you wherever you go. As a result, it's more likely to end up in the wrong hands. If you’re new to the smartphone era, this is an issue. It's still not a good reason to give up on mobile banking, however.

The best ways to keep your online banking information safe

Are you still unsure of what those safeguards are? We've compiled a list of our top five picks. All except the most serious threats should be covered by these measures. If you're using mobile networks or your home internet, these tools should enable you to keep your activity safe at all times.

Use a VPN

In order to protect your mobile banking, you should use a virtual private network (VPN). Hackers can't see what you're doing if you hide your IP address and avoid internet tracking.

It doesn't matter if you're using public Wi-Fi or not. Public networks, by themselves, are extremely unsafe. A top-rated VPN like ExpressVPN or NordVPN, on the other hand, bring the security of your home internet connection with you wherever and whenever you travel. You can't link your phone data to your online banking activity because there is a virtual barrier between them.

If you’re not willing to sacrifice a bit of extra time for added security, this isn't for you. The convenience of using online banking can be compromised as a result. If you're using a VPN, your bank won’t know that you're trying to get into your own account. There will be an additional stage in the verification of your identity because of this.

Keep your devices safe!

Security risks in online banking aren't always posed by external sources such as the internet. Defending against direct device breaches is the initial step. Keeping your phone in a familiar location and making sure it's safe even if it gets lost is therefore a must!

In other words, the best way to unlock your home screen is by using a pin or facial recognition software. If you don't want apps and websites to save your passwords, you should log out of them and tell them not to do so. You'll have more time to notify your bank if your phone is stolen if you have more security measures in place.

Use only long, complex passwords

The majority of websites demand that you choose a complex password when you set up or update your account. However, you should be aware of the following guidelines:

  • Make use of both capital and lowercase letters, digits, and other characters to enhance complexity;
  • Never use the same password on more than one website, and make sure it's difficult to decipher. A strong password can be generated with the aid of specialised software.

As a result, most individuals wonder, "How am I supposed to remember so many strong passwords?" We're not counting on you to become a walking, talking, thinking machine. There is a common misconception that you should never write down your passwords. Passwords should be kept secure and separate from the devices on which they are used.

Keeping your online banking password in a separate location from your phone is the best way to keep it safe. Do not reveal what this location is used for.

Installing a password manager, on the other hand, allows you to store unique passwords for each website you visit. After that, all you have to remember is one secure password and the manager may log in on your behalf to all of your other accounts. And remember, that’s what we offer at Passwork.

Check your bank's security practices

Your bank's website should have instructions on how to keep your personal data safe. We strongly suggest that you take the time to read it. Even if you don't comprehend all that they say, you should be able to get an idea of whether or not their methods are secure.

The padlock icon, which indicates that the website is correctly encrypted, is one of the most obvious things to look for. Two-factor authentication is another option that can be used. Even if you don't feel the need for it, you should turn it on just in case. Each time you log in, you must either answer a security question or provide a one-time security code.

Your bank's dedication to security is demonstrated by measures such as these. It's also an indication of how safe their applications are. If your bank doesn't prioritise security, it's time to find a new one. It's likely that a bank that doesn't care about customer service isn't concerned about security either.

Recognize scams and phishing attempts, and avoid them at all costs

No matter how secure your bank is, they will never ask for your account information. This is almost probably a phishing attempt if you receive such a message.

In order to deceive people into disclosing personal information, hackers frequently send emails that appear to be from legitimate organisations. Fake websites may be used to trick you into clicking on dangerous links.

You’re sure to fall for this kind of scam if you don’t know what to look for. However, you can easily avoid it by teaching yourself to be sceptical of all unsolicited texts. Any notification you receive from your bank should be checked against the bank's website if you are unsure about it.


The better informed you are about internet safety, the better off you'll be in the long run.

Precautions like using a secure VPN and using strong passwords will help you stay safe online while also teaching you how to spot potential risks. That's why ExpressVPN is our top recommendation for online banking security.

Using our advice, you should be able to begin using mobile banking safely. You'll soon become used to the convenience of mobile banking if you're vigilant.

Is mobile banking safe? Top 5 safety tips

Jul 29, 2022 — 4 min read

In order to keep its customers' devices safe, both Apple and Android employ a variety of safeguards. A group of IT security specialists from around the world looked at the effectiveness of these tools, and that’s what we’re going to be discussing today.

Indeed, IT security researchers from Germany and the US conducted a study into how mobile phone users pick their PINs and how they may be persuaded to choose a more secure number combination. According to the researchers, six-digit PINs are no more secure than four-digit ones in terms of protection. Apple's usage of a "blacklist" to keep track of frequent PINs might be improved, and it would make more sense to deploy one on Android devices as well, they found.

Dr. Maximilian Golla of the Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy in Bochum and Professor Adam Aviv of the George Washington University in the United States collaborated on the study with Philipp Markert, Daniel Bailey, and Professor Markus Dürmuth from the Horst Görtz Institute for IT Security at Ruhr-Universität Bochum. The findings will be presented at the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy in San Francisco in May 2020, according to the researchers. The paper's preprint may be downloaded at

What do users really need?

In the study, researchers had participants create either four- or six-digit PINs on Apple and Android smartphones and then analysed how simple it was to guess them afterwards. It was considered that the assailant had no idea who the victim was or cared about unlocking his or her phone. As a result, the most effective method of attack is to start with the most likely PINs.

PINs might be chosen at random by some research participants. Only PINs that were not on a blacklist were available to the rest of the population. One of the PINs that had been banned had a warning that this combination of digits was simple to guess.

IT security specialists utilised a variety of common passcode blocklists in the experiment, including the official list from Apple. The experiment involved a machine that tested all conceivable PIN combinations on an iPhone. The specialists also compiled their own lists which were tested too.

Is there any benefit in using a six-digit PIN over a four-digit PIN?

Six-digit PINs have been shown to be no more secure than four-digit ones. As Philipp Markert explains, "Mathematically speaking, of course, there is a tremendous difference." Ten thousand four-digit PINs and one million six-digit PINs may be generated, respectively. Philipp Markert also notes that consumers favour particular combinations of PINs, such as 123456 and 654321. This implies that the six-digit codes are not utilised to their full capacity by consumers. PIN security is something people don't seem to grasp instinctively, according to Markus Dürmuth.

Manufacturers restrict the amount of PIN entry tries, thus, a well-chosen four-digit PIN is safe. After 10 unsuccessful attempts to enter the pass code, Apple permanently locks the device. On an Android phone, several codes cannot be input in rapid succession. Philipp Markert points out that "in eleven hours, 100 number combinations may be examined."

Do blocklists matter?

Researchers discovered 274 four-digit PINs that were on Apple’s blocklist. This list is used as a mechanism for improving PIN selection, as Apple iOS users are shown the warning "This PIN Can Be Easily Guessed" with a choice to "Use Anyway" or "Change PIN." It’s effectively a list of very easily-guessed pins. Maximilian Golla says, "Since iPhone users only have 10 chances to guess the PIN, the blocklist does not make it any more secure." Using a blocklist for Android devices would make more sense, according to the researchers, because attackers may test out a wider range of PINs.

According to the study, the optimum blocklist for four-digit PINs should contain around 1,000 entries and varies somewhat from the list now utilised by Apple. Four-digit PINs like 1234, 0000, 2580 (the numbers show vertically below each other on the numeric keypad), 1111, and 5555 were found to be the most popular.

Now, iPhone users can choose to disregard the alert that they have entered a commonly used PIN, as we have seen. Because of this, the device does not reliably prevent entries on the blacklist from being chosen. The IT security professionals also took a closer look at this element as part of their research. It was up to the individual test participants to decide whether or not to enter a new PIN after receiving the warning. Those who were not on the list had to create a new PIN for themselves. Both groups' PINs were equally difficult to guess on average.

Pattern locks are less secure

Four and six-digit PINs were shown to be more secure than pattern locks, but not as safe as passwords.

The simpler the pattern is, the easier it is for lurkers to copy it, if they are watching over your shoulder. In fact, research found that lurkers were successful in recreating the swipe pattern 64.2% of the time after looking at it once. Of course, with multiple observations, that success rate rises.

According to the study, these are the most frequently used PINs:

  • Four-digit PINs of the following kinds: 1234, 0000, 2580, 1111, 5555, 5683, 0852, 2222, 1212
  • Six-digit PINs of the following kinds: 123456, 654321, 111111, 000000, 123123, 666666, 121212, 112233, 789456, 159753

So, don’t forget to double check that your PIN is not on the list above. If you’re interested in evaluating your password security, we strongly recommend checking them against the password checker.

Additionally, you might find the password checker by Experte to be a valuable resource. It estimates how long a computer would need to crack your password and checks if it has been exposed in any data breaches. It also provides actionable suggestions for strengthening your password, helping users create more secure credentials. Both tools evaluate each password based on key factors such as:

  • Its number of characters: The password should have at least eight to 10 characters, but 16 to 20 characters is ideal.
  • Combinations: The password should include a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols rather than taking the form of a phrase. Each character has an associated numerical value, and these characters are summed to create a grand total.
  • Uniqueness: The password shouldn’t be repetitive in terms of its characters, with unique combinations used instead.
  • Data leak check: In addition to evaluating the strength of the password, this tool checks whether the password has appeared in any known data breaches, which is crucial for maintaining your security.

Using both tools can give you a comprehensive overview of your password security and help you make necessary adjustments to protect your accounts effectively.

Is it safe to use a four- or six-digit PIN on a mobile phone?

Jul 21, 2022 — 4 min read

Backing up data is critical to ensuring system integrity, but if done incorrectly, it can exacerbate already-existing security issues. Fortunately, there are a number of best practices that can be followed.

In order to keep your data safe and secure, you need to have regular data backups. However, these backups are often the source of many security problems. In fact, a large number of security breaches can be traced back to the mismanagement of data backups. A lack of adequate data backup controls is evident in the headlines and security surveys that are published. There's nothing wrong with using best practices when developing an enterprise data backup strategy.

Millions of sensitive business records have been compromised in backup-related mistakes over the last few years, according to recent reports. Indeed, these are just the incidents that have been publicly reported. Confidential information, including intellectual property, is no less vulnerable to data backup-related breaches than other types of sensitive data. Without a solid back-up plan in place when things go wrong, security is the first thing on the shark’s menu.

As long as there is a process for replicating sensitive data, many storage professionals believe that their organisation is safe. However, this is only half of the battle. A new set of dangers arises from what can be done with data backups, which are often overlooked. Because of this, it is essential to incorporate secure data backup guidelines into the overall enterprise information security strategy.

Here are 10 ways to keep your data backups safe and secure from threats like ransomware, malicious insiders, and external hackers, both locally and in the cloud:

Make sure you have a backup plan in place

It is important to make sure your security policies include backup systems. Access control, system monitoring, and malware protection all have a direct impact on data backups.

Incorporate backup systems into your disaster recovery plan

Your disaster recovery and incident response plans should include a backup of your computer files and other important information. A ransomware outbreak, an employee break-in, or an environmental event such as a flood or hurricane can all compromise or destroy a company's data backups. If you don't have a plan in place for what to do if and when the time comes, your backups could be harmed.

In order to protect data backups, restrict access to them

Only those who need to be involved in the backup process should be given access rights. Software and data backups are no exception here either. Systems that provide backup access, whether on-premises or in the cloud, should not be undervalued.

Consider a variety of backup options

Keep your backups in a different location, such as a different building. Your data centre and your backups could be wiped out in one fell swoop if a natural disaster, a fire, or some other rare, but impactful, incident occurs.

Protect data backups from unauthorised access

Backing up to NAS, external hard drives, or tapes is fine as long as access to those locations can be tightly controlled. Your backup files are just as important as your computer's hard drive. SOC audit reports, independent security assessments, or your own investigations may be able to confirm this.

Ensure the safety of all backup media devices

Some backups are still kept on portable drives, tapes, and other media, despite the widespread use of hard disks and solid-state drives. Fireproof and media-rated safes should be used in these situations. One of the most common places to keep backups is in a “fireproof,” but paper-only safe. A standard fireproof safe only serves to provide a false sense of security for backup media such as tapes, optical disks, and magnetic drives, which have lower burning/melting points than paper.

Check out the security measures in place for your vendors

Find out what security measures your data centre, cloud, and courier service providers are using to keep backups safe. Despite the fact that lawyers appreciate well-drafted contracts, they are not always sufficient. As a fallback measure, contracts can help protect sensitive data, but they won't stop it from being exposed in the first place. Check to see if security measures are in place as part of vendor management initiatives.

Ensure the security of your network

Backups should be stored on a separate file system or cloud storage service that is located on a separate network. Ransomware-related risks can be minimized by using unique login credentials that are not part of the enterprise directory service. The use of two-factor authentication can increase the security of your backup system.

Encrypt backups as a top priority

Whenever possible, encrypt your backups. The same is true for backup media and files, which must be encrypted with strong passphrases or other centrally managed encryption technology if they are to be taken outside the premises at any point in time. Encryption is an excellent final layer of defence when implemented and managed correctly. It's reassuring to know that even if your backups are corrupted or destroyed, you won't be able to access them. This is especially useful when it comes to meeting compliance and notification requirements in the event of a data breach.

Ensure that all of your data is backed up and tested frequently

These data backup flaws are likely to exist within your business. Before you're hit by a ransomware attack or data destruction, it's a good idea to find out where your vulnerabilities lie. Hire an unbiased third party to find the holes in your data backup processes and systems on a regular basis or look for them yourself. In the end, it's the little issues that aren't so obvious at first that can be the most difficult to deal with.

What you need to know about protecting your data backups

Jul 21, 2022 — 4 min read

As a kid, I was enthralled by science fiction films like 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Fifth Element, and Minority Report, hoping that the wonderful technology shown in these films — facial recognition, artificial intelligence, gesture controls, and flying cars — would one day become a reality. Today, we have access to most of these technologies, with the exception of flying automobiles, owing to the likes of Apple.

One of these emerging technologies is facial recognition. Face ID, Apple's replacement for Touch ID's fingerprint sensor, has been available to consumers since the release of the iPhone X. However, how secure is Face ID when we compare it to Touch ID, despite how nice, convenient, and futuristic it seems? What additional security or privacy concerns does it raise?

It's important to keep two things in mind while evaluating the security and effectiveness of various forms of authentication, including biometrics:

  • An attacker can guess, duplicate, steal or fake the authentication factor with relative ease;
  • It is not as secure as two-factor authentication!

And here’s why…

The inner workings of Face ID

Facial-recognition systems have always been weak authentication points because they were either simple to fool or highly sensitive to ambient conditions.

In addition to detecting movements in 2D video, Face ID uses a method called ‘structured light’ to map out 3D scenes. Taking this further, "TrueDepth" uses a structured IR light (30,000 dots) to create a 3D representation of your face by measuring the depth of various spots.

Now, this increases the identification accuracy and safety of Face ID dramatically. An old-fashioned photo or video will not mislead a 3D facial scanner, unlike in the past.

For Face ID to work, Apple advises you to stare straight into the phone’s camera. This means that the system is also looking for any movement of the eye or the pupil. The skin and texture cues seen in certain facial-recognition algorithms can also help increase recognition accuracy. But, this is not how Face ID works.

There is no such thing as impenetrable technology. When researchers used publicly available photos and the technology of photogrammetry, they were able to generate 3D representations of a person's face that were quite realistic (specifically, stereophotogrammetry). We shouldn't be surprised if researchers and attackers uncover additional ways to fool Apple's Face ID mechanism in the future.

In spite of all the Face ID joke memes and the botched log-in at Apple's launch event, I feel that Face ID has been built quite effectively. This facial-recognition system appears to be more secure than many others because of its underlying technology, I believe. Even a 3D-printed face isn't enough to pose a threat, you’d need to put in a tremendous amount of work to do so.

A digital copy of your face

The digital form of an authentication factor is a second security risk for authentication systems. To put it another way, can an attacker obtain a digital replica of your login credentials and log in as you?

As far as the numbers are concerned, Apple appears to have done an excellent job of protecting this information on paper. In Apple's words, the model of your face is never saved outside of your iPhone X. No network or cloud storage is used for this data. On an iPhone, a "secure enclave" is where the Face ID data is saved, much like how your Touch ID fingerprints are stored.

Security and cryptography operations are handled by a distinct processor in Apple's newest SOC processors, the secure enclave processor (SEP). This processor is separate from the main processor and runs on its own operating system.

It is possible to store a digital key (such as a Face ID model) in your phone's SEP, but the main CPU does not view or manage it. Only the "outcomes" of the key's activities are received. Your face isn't shown to the operating system; it just receives a "matched" or "not matched" response from an encrypted area of your device. Simply put, Apple has created a method that makes it extremely difficult for attackers to get your Face ID data.

Is it enough?

Researchers and hackers will eventually find a way to get around Face ID's security measures. When it comes down to it, no one form of verification can ever be completely secure. We can use something we already have (passwords) or something we know (tokens or certificates) to authenticate (biometrics). The concern is that these tokens may be stolen, guessed, or replicated in a variety of ways.

Biometrics, such as Touch ID and Face ID, have grown increasingly popular since they are considerably easier to use than passwords and provide a reasonable level of protection. A lengthy series of random characters and numbers is simply too difficult for the ordinary human to recall.

But we're falling into the same trap, as well. All authentication methods have flaws, including biometrics. We will one day learn that biometrics like Face ID are no better than passwords.

That's why multifactor authentication is the only option that is genuinely safe. We need to combine two or more parameters instead of using them on their own. Someone could definitely make a convincing clone of your face with enough time and effort, but what if your phone or bank account demanded that you log in with both your face and your password? That would make it a million times more difficult to decipher.

It's time to stop arguing over which authentication method is more secure: Face ID vs. Touch ID; certificates vs. passwords; or a combination of both. Face ID is a solid piece of hardware, but it's vulnerable to hacking if you don't use it in conjunction with anything else.

How secure is Apple's Face ID?

Jul 8, 2022 — 3 min read

The storage of data is the single most significant factor to consider when it comes to the safety of mobile devices. It's true that malware and viruses are capable of infecting operating systems, which will require you to spend time and effort wiping out and reinstalling everything following a security breach. Another possibility is that actual computers could be taken, leaving you with the burden of replacing the system along with the associated costs and hassles. However, the actual worth of practically every company's digital cache is its data, which includes personal details, trade secrets, confidential information, and private chats; the chance that this data will fall into the wrong hands significantly outweighs any other issue regarding mobile security.

It can be tough to keep your data secure on all fronts, but solid-state drives (SSDs), which have intrinsic performance advantages, can make this work easier and more efficient by supporting encryption. SSDs also have other inherent advantages.

Why is encryption necessary to ensure the safety of data?

Encryption is the most important component of a secure storage system. Many businesses operate under the assumption that a device containing sensitive data would, at some point, be misplaced or stolen. The answer, then, is not to concentrate all of your energy on keeping track of physical devices or the components of their drives; rather, the thing that is most important is to preserve the real data that is stored on them. In fact, the cost of lost data or data that has been compromised might be significantly higher than the cost of a lost machine.

The process of hiding information by putting it through a series of complicated mathematical operations is referred to as encryption. After encryption, reverting back to the earlier version of the data and undoing the process that was just performed requires the use of a coded phrase known as a ‘key’. Therefore, even if the storage device that contains the data is misplaced or stolen, the data will still be unreadable; at least, it will be unreadable without the key.

There is unquestionably a great deal more to the mathematics behind encryption, such as the number of times the encryption scheme is run, the length of the key, and a variety of other considerations. The more complicated an encryption method is, the more difficult it is to read and write data as well as use the computer's processing power. This might cause the processing speed of the computer to become increasingly sluggish. This is where solid-state drives (SSDs) shine thanks to their naturally faster performance. Calculations necessary for the encryption and decryption process can take place significantly more quickly when the data can be written to or read from the drive at a higher rate.

Encryption and solid-state drives: safety and speed

There are two approaches that can be taken to accomplish encryption. One method involves using software, in which case the mathematics required for decryption and encryption is handled by the primary processor of a computer. The second method includes what is known as "delegating" the encryption process to the drive's hardware so that the storage device may do the necessary mathematical operations on its own. The disk then provides the host CPU and memory with newly decrypted data in order to avoid imposing a "performance tax," also known as a lag, on the primary components of the system.

The server-class solid-state drives (SSDs) produced by Samsung are equipped with options for full disk encryption built right into the hardware. This makes protecting company data as easy as checking a box and entering a key. Typically, this entails the drive storing a copy of the decryption key in a protected area within the drive controller circuitry itself, and then encrypting that key with another key that is provided at boot time by the user, such as a multifactor PIN or passcode. This allows the user to access the drive without having to remember multiple passwords or PINs.

What outcomes are possible in the event that computers are taken during a break-in? Would anyone else have access to the information you provide? At boot time, the information would be safe to access if it were encrypted with hardware as long as the key, which is retained by the user, was not disclosed.

Maintaining safety without sacrificing speed

Doesn't the use of encryption make things slower? The mathematics that underlies encryption does take up resources, and the more data you have, the faster your drive needs to read and write, which in turn requires more complicated mathematics. This effect is typically most evident when we consider spinning material that was produced in the past. Users are able to continue being productive and have the peace of mind that the sensitive data they are accessing will be kept secure at all times thanks to the faster performance of solid-state media, which helps to reduce the impact of the encryption’s "performance penalty."

Why encryption and SSD safety are so important

Jul 1, 2022 — 4 min read

Almost everything that can be connected to via a network can be also hacked. But what about cars? Can they be hacked? If so, how much time do criminals have to spend on it?

In fact, hackers are able to shut off your engine while you’re driving, control your steering or brakes, and even open and close your doors and boot. As a result, driving a hacked car can be pretty dangerous.

Finding a hole in your car's software is all it takes for someone to compromise the system. It isn't always that difficult for hackers to find a means to get into your car, even though it could take some time. A committed hacker can enter a reasonably sophisticated system with enough time. According to the research of Upstream — a car cybersecurity organization — by 2025, more than 86% of cars will be connected to the global network. ‘Connected’ refers to the sharing of data among servers, applications, phones, etc. Because of this connectivity, there are several ways that automobiles can be compromised.

What damage can hackers do if they hack your car?

There are multiple ways criminals can hack your car. First of all, the brake pedal and engine are vulnerable. Although your brake pedal is within your control, the onboard computer's microprocessors are what actually cause your brakes to function. Your brakes can be disabled and the engine can even be stopped by hackers who get access to your onboard computer.

Hackers also could interfere with the movement of the car using wipers, heaters, conditioners, or radio. Each of these options could be controlled remotely and used to distract the driver. Although windshield cleaning fluid is helpful, it’s more of a burden when it’s released repeatedly or abruptly. If that’s the case, it might endanger your visibility. Your windshield wipers and this system are both hackable. The same can be said for heating or conditioner systems. They are useful until they can be used to harm you.

Another way of hacking can be performed by unscrupulous repair shops. The majority of initial diagnosis is done by onboard vehicle diagnostics equipment. However, dishonest businesses may trick your diagnostics system into suggesting that you need repairs that aren't actually necessary. This is an easy way for them to earn money. Thus, it’s important to use services that are reliable.

Hackers can also use a car’s interconnected system to impact one’s car safety and its correct operation. This could, for example, lead to forced acceleration. When a car is driven or reaches a given speed, power locks frequently contain functions like automatic locking. Such integrated systems in cars make them susceptible to issues like power locks being overridden to compel an acceleration.

It’s also possible to extend the key fob range to gain physical access to the car. Modern wireless key fobs open automobile doors when the owner is nearby. Thieves who aren’t focused on harming the car owner, but rather looking to steal the car can also exploit the functionality of the key fob and increase its range using radio repeaters. It allows one to unlock the car from up to 30 feet away.

Moreover, if hackers break into your car’s entire system, they could gain your private information, especially if the car is equipped with a GPS telematics system. This data could be misused to invade your privacy and possibly to learn where you live, work, or send your children to school. The serious threat is presented by the connection between your car and your smartphone. Some advanced hackers might be more interested in your connected mobile phone than the automobile’s system. Your information is in danger if they manage to get access to the system in your car and locate the mobile device that is connected to it. The connected smartphone is a direct source of your bank credentials, passwords, and other sensitive data.

Will your car be hacked?

Nowadays, almost every car is susceptible to being hacked. But, talking about chances that you will be impacted by car hacking, it is unlikely you'll experience any issues with hacking at this stage. In any case, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Due to the lack of financial benefit, most hackers prefer not to enter this sphere, with the exception of car thieves who use elements of hacking to neutralize the car’s alarm and relevant security systems.

Car hackers frequently do this for amusement or malicious intent. Very few hackers in the real world have targeted automobiles. Instead, the majority of vehicle hacks are either theoretical or carried out by research teams looking to find weaknesses in the car’s protection. Most car hacks are difficult for average hackers to execute since they typically call for a great deal of knowledge, equipment, and sometimes even physical access to the vehicle itself. However, vehicle makers are still working to develop defenses to shield their products from cyber harm. All due to the potential possibility of hacking attempts. More and more vehicles become connection-available, smart, and independent, so it may lead to an increase in car hacks in the future.

How can you protect your car?

Currently, hackers aren't really interested in your car. However, the situation may change. Hackers may become more interested in and adept at hacking cars as they become aware of their ability to kidnap automobile owners, steal their data, and carry out nefarious deeds like larceny. There are some easy steps that should be done by every car owner to protect their privacy and security.

First of all, do not program your home address into your GPS system. While having a GPS may be handy, car thieves and hackers can use it to locate your home location.

Then, it’s necessary to limit wireless systems connected to your vehicle. You are most in danger from such technologies, as wireless or remote systems are frequently operated online and are more susceptible to hackers than many other systems.

And the last, but not the least piece of advice, use reputable shops, as anyone who gets physical access to your car and is computer savvy can wreak havoc on it. Therefore, when you leave your automobile in a shop, whether it’s for minutes, hours, or days, you run the risk of someone hacking it to make it seem as though you need repairs that aren't actually required.

How easy is it to hack your car?

Jun 16, 2022 — 4 min read

Whenever the word ‘cybersecurity’ appears, the word ‘password’ springs to mind in parallel. People use them everywhere, from mobile phone locks to the protection of personal and state data stored on individual devices or websites. Everyone knows that a strong and secure password is able to save our sensitive information, however, cybercriminals have invented a huge variety of methods to hack our passwords in order to compromise us. So, modern problems require modern solutions. Now, there are a lot of alternative ways to protect access to personal data. The usual passwords are replaced by multi-layer authentication or just more progressive technologies. These are fingerprints and face recognition functions, keychains, and password vaults. But what is the future of passwords? Will they become an outdated option or stay a necessary part of access.

Why are passwords considered weak?

With the growth of cybercrime, the requirements for passwords are increasing. The first passwords consisted of short, easily-memorized word or numeral combinations, but they were too easy to crack. Now, passwords are sophisticated alpha-numeral combinations, sometimes too long to remember. Nevertheless, it is still possible for hackers to find the solution and get access to your account. Passwords are usually based on some common information like a date of birth, the name of a child, or a home pet, which implies that hackers are able to find out what it is if they have enough time. The other reason why passwords become targets is the fact that they provide unrestricted access to your account. Moreover, many people use the same or similar passwords for many different accounts, so they simplify the process of collecting their sensitive data from multiple sources. Of course, using the same password for every account mitigates the risk of forgetting the password, but reusing the combination is quite risky. Users are sure that they won’t be hacked as the data they store is not valuable enough to be stolen, but it’s a common mistake as almost everyone can be compromised or fall victim to a bot attack that is aimed at spreading spam or malicious links. So, the best way to protect your privacy is not to reuse the same password and exploit multi-layer authentication for your accounts.

The anti-password movement

This movement was established as soon as people understood that usual passwords are more vulnerable than they should be. Passwords are inconvenient and provide multiple avenues for fraudsters to obtain your data and profit from it. The most typical method for hackers to profit from this data is to sell it on the dark web for fast cash. Advanced attacks on logins have been known to shut down entire corporations or launch ransomware campaigns. Credential stuffing is the most well-known form of password hacking, it is based on the reusing of the same password for multiple accounts, pairing it with different email addresses or logins. It is usually aimed at taking over as much information from corporate accounts as possible. Thus, internet users realized that passwords are not the most powerful protection that can be exploited for security goals. So, what was made in addition to, or in place of, the password?

Multi-factor authentication

Single-factor authentication refers to the requirement of only one password to access an account. This method of protection has been used for a long time, but now it’s obsolete. The new practice in authentication is multi-factor access which requires passing two or more layers of authentication before accessing an account. The possible steps of this sophisticated technology could be the PIN code, the server-generated one-time code sent to your email address or mobile phone, or even fingerprints and face recognition.

It makes access more complicated but also serves as an additional barrier to compromise attempts and data thieves. This motivates them to move on to more straightforward targets. While it isn't infallible, it does dissuade attackers from trying anything else, potentially rescuing you from disaster.

Another successful way of protection is the passphrase that is used instead of common password combinations. It is represented as the meaningful or meaningless word combination consisting of up to 100 words. It seems to be hard to remember a long phrase, but it is much easier than remembering alpha-numeric combinations including substitution, capitalization, and different numbers. Hackers will find it incredibly difficult to break into a system since passwords are several words long and can contain an endless number of word combinations. Another good thing about such protection is the lack of necessity to install the special apps or systems required to use this technique. It can be applied to every account without special password character limits.

Is the password dead?

The first hacking attacks were conducted as early as the 80s. Regardless of this, people still use passwords as the main protection force for their private information. So, why can’t we replace it with more modern and convenient technologies?

First of all, it’s related to the ease of creating passwords. The password is generated by the user himself, so there’s no need to create and exploit special services that would be able to provide protection for the account on the user’s behalf. Another point is the privacy of users. The password is one of the more private ways of authentication as it doesn’t require any personal information, it can be a random combination of numbers and lack sense, unlike methods such as biomedical data access, which is connected with personal information that could get out into cyberspace. The last but not the least important point lies in the simplicity of replacing passwords. It can be useful in the event of a major data breach, as it’s easier to change the password than the biomedical options that are used for fingerprints or face recognition.


So what will be the future of passwords? Passwords will definitely be used as one layer of a multi-factor security system for the next few years as there are still no more useful options for saving our privacy than passwords. People are continuing to look for the perfect method of protection, so maybe in a few years, something will finally appear and the world will be able to say goodbye to long sophisticated passwords. Some services have already turned to new systems of access, like one-time codes or fingerprints, but there is still a possibility of being hacked. Indeed, users still believe that a multi-layer system of protection is more convenient than any possible alternative.

The future of password security

Jun 8, 2022 — 5 min read

If you still haven’t heard about Starlink, you’ve definitely heard about its creator — Elon Musk.

Elon Musk is a billionaire entrepreneur most famous for his electric vehicle firm, Tesla, and his space exploration company, Space X. Maybe you learned about him from our news headlines talking about his attempts to acquire Twitter or his past endeavors stirring up trouble on social media. Perhaps you only know him as one of the world's wealthiest people. Starlink is the less known facet of Elon Musk’s career that is focused on providing internet to every part of the world including hard-to-reach places, and that’s what we’re going to be talking about today.

Starlink is the name of the global and constantly growing network of orbital satellites overhead, based on SpaceX technologies. This project began in 2015, and the first prototype satellites were sent into orbit in 2018. In January 2021, after three years of development and successful launches, Starlink reached 1,000 satellites. Over the course of the next year, this number doubled. Now, Starlink has more than 2,000 operational satellites orbiting the Earth. Indeed, it’s still just the beginning. The plan will be completed as soon as the network covers most parts of the Earth’s surface. To do this, Starlink requires about 12,000 satellites in orbit.

Currently, the project’s creators are assuring the provision of its service in 32 countries. This number will increase every year. However, the budding broadband provider still has a backlog of prospective customers waiting to receive equipment and connect to the system.

Starlink offers high-speed broadband internet, the spread of which, according to the speed-tracking website Ookla, is above 100mbps in more than 15 different regions. When we’re talking about the United States, Starlink offers average download speeds of around 105Mbps and upload speeds of around 120Mbps, which is about five or six times faster than their satellite rivals. Elon Musk is focused on doubling the average internet speed and reaching 300 Mbps. In any case, even now, we can observe his success as the Starlink Internet system really is one of the fastest in the world.

How much does it cost?

The initial cost of the service was $99 per month, and the initial one-time payment for the satellite dish and router was $499. As Starlink is focused on the availability of the internet, it was announced that the cost of the service is going to decline in a few years. But, in March of 2022, the company announced a price increase. So now, the monthly payment is $110 and the initial payment for the equipment is $599. This price is quite high for satellite Internet, but the creators of Starlink bet on the wide coverage of their network and its availability in hard-to-get places.

As the president of SpaceX said last year, Starlink aimed to keep pricing as straightforward and transparent as possible, and that there were no plans to add more levels to the service. However, in 2022, a new premium level with a scanning array twice as large as the normal plan and download speeds ranging from 150 to 500Mbps appears to be modifying that strategy. This option costs $500 per month, and the initial payment for equipment will be $2,500. Now the company is taking orders for that tier, with the service set to arrive later in 2022.

Starlink, like any other modern technology, has some benefits and drawbacks. Let's take a quick look at them.

The pros of Starlink:

1. Faster Internet. The internet offered by SpaceX is definitely faster than traditional satellite Internet. Starlink is so quick that it's almost impossible to compare it to traditional satellite connections.

2. Relatively cheap. Starlink's internet service is reasonably priced. In rural and suburban locations, it is less expensive than cable and satellite internet. Suburban consumers pay the same price as city residents in many areas, but they get much slower internet.

3. Wide availability. Regardless of your location, Starlink is available to every customer. It has wide network coverage and provides fast, unlimited Internet from Antarctica to the middle of the ocean.

4. Faster disaster recovery. Storms, tornadoes, wildfires, and floods can all cause internet cable to be seriously damaged. After any type of disaster, the recovery of the cable Internet takes quite a lot of time. The process of fixing it isn’t just costly but also time-consuming, unlike Starlink. The Internet will be available straight away after the disaster.

The cons of Starlink:

1. Hardware installation. For many users, hardware installation could become a problem as the creators of Starlink don’t provide the installation of the equipment needed for using their network. Thus, customers have to install the equipment themselves or hire professionals to spend extra money.

2. It’s not portable. When compared to cellular internet, Starlink is not as portable. We can use our phones to access the internet from any place. The Starlink dish is not at all portable. Though the dish can be installed above an RV or a boat, unfortunately, it is not small enough to be carried easily.

3. Service disruptions depend on the weather. It's common for satellite service to be disrupted by rain, storms, or solar flares. However, this isn't a major pro for cable internet either; it’s also subject to this type of disruption.

As the number of Starlink’s users increases, the question of the security of this Internet connection has become acute. People want to make sure that the provider that they use is safe enough and that nothing threatens their personal data.

The main problem of satellite Internet is that some of the information carried by satellites can be intercepted as it is translated to and from the Earth. Some of that data can also be changed before it reaches its intended destination. This does not, however, necessitate the use of specialized equipment. According to a recent study, this could be accomplished with $300 worth of equipment. It's vital to keep in mind that this issue does not affect all traffic. If you're using an encrypted connection, this form of assault is likely to be unsuccessful. However, it does underline the reality that as satellite internet becomes more ubiquitous, cybercriminals will have additional chances.


Starlink is a quickly growing and highly available technology that is just at the start of its development. However, it already could demonstrate great advantages over the cable network. Like any modern technology, it has several disadvantages, such as weather dependence and the risks related to satellite networks. Now, SpaceX promises a very high level of service with wide coverage, but as practice shows, not all of their promises are worth trusting. If you’re going to get the Starlink dish, you have to consider this issue deeper to make sure that you’re making the right choice.

How secure is Elon Musk’s Starlink?